ABPMP Philadelphia Chapter

Understanding the Synergies Between Digitalization and BPM
February 24, 2016
6:00 PM
Quick Center - Room 108
Widener University - Main Campus
600 E. 14th Street
Chester, PA 19013
Do you know if your organizational initiatives surrounding digital adoption are aligned with your business processes? Digitalization is the use of digital technologies to change business models and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities. According to a recent study by The Gartner Group, only 1% of businesses have processes in place that can be adjusted quickly enough to fully benefit from digitalization. This means that most organizations are not prepared to realize the full potential of their digitalization efforts. This is consistent with the initial findings of a recent research study, conducted by BPM-D, Widener University and the Universidad de Chile with over 200 organizations around the world. Over 55% of the respondents answered that it is a key challenge to identify the right opportunities for performance improvements through digitalization.
This presentation reveals interesting preliminary results of our recent research study that investigates the synergies between digitalization and BPM. For example, we analyzed if a company’s existing business process maturity has an impact on realizing value from their digitalization initiatives. What are the business process capabilities that lead to better alignment and business outcomes of their digitalization initiatives? Is there a connection between a company’s business process management endeavors and their advanced digital methods?
We will reveal insights into our research findings that provide Business Process Management leaders and practitioners helpful information to shape and influence their BPM efforts while driving value from their digitalization efforts.
Alexander (Sascha) Lotterer, Director
ALEXANDER (SASCHA) LOTTERER is a Director with BPM-D, a leading consulting company specializing in Business Process Management. He has over 15 years of consulting experience in managing, overseeing and executing business and IT transformation projects for small, medium and Fortune 500 organizations creating sustainable growth and value for his clients. Alexander manages complex Business Process
Management and other business transformation initiatives that include BPM capability development, BPM strategy and change efforts, process governance and BPM CoE development, rapid process improvement and other process-driven change efforts. Throughout his career, he has led domestic and international client projects in Europe, Asia and in the Americas for clients in the different industries, including Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Chemicals,
Healthcare, Public Sector, Utilities, etc. In addition to his client-facing roles, he has successfully
developed Go-to-Market strategies and established multi-cultural consulting teams for companies such
as IDS Scheer, Accenture and IBM. Alexander has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the
University of Applied Sciences in Esslingen, Germany.
Yvonne Lederer Antonucci, PhD.
Widener University
YVONNE LEDERER ANTONUCCI, PH.D. is a Professor at Widener University where she is also the
SAP alliance coordinator and director of the SAP/IDS Scheer Business Process Innovation Center of Excellence. She has developed and taught courses on BPM, process analysis, modeling, and automation for over ten years. She has published in numerous international journals and conferences in the area of IT outsourcing, inter-organizational collaboration methods, BPM, and enterprise systems, and has been a frequent invited speaker to various international BPM industry events. Yvonne also serves on the North American SAP University Alliance Board and is one of our founders of the Philadelphia ABPMP chapter, continuing her service to our board. In addition she served on the National ABPMP Education Board where she helped develop BPM curriculum standards and contributed to the first release of the
Common Body of Knowledge for BPM. Yvonne holds a Ph.D. in information sciences from Drexel
University, a master’s degree in Management Science/Industrial Engineering from Lehigh University, and a BSBA from Shippensburg State College.